Cultural Collaboration as the Key to Inclusive Societies: INTRACOMP Project Funded by Horizon Europe

We are happy to announce that the Grant Agreement phase for the INTRACOMP project has officially concluded, with the Commission and all beneficiaries signing on to this groundbreaking initiative.

The European Commission has allocated funds to a consortium of 13 universities and arts organizations across Europe and the South Pacific to collaborate for three years to advance cultural democracy. The project, titled “Intercultural and Transcultural Competence Through Collaborative Cultural Expression” (INTRACOMP), aims to develop global, regional, and national educational frameworks and policy directives for arts and culture.

Coordinated by Nord University, the project is led by Professor Nicholas Rowe, UNESCO Chair in Dance and Social Inclusion. He emphasizes the importance of arts education in the context of increasing forced migrations caused by climate change, political and environmental disasters.

The INTRACOMP consortium includes artists and academics from Norway, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Italy, the UK, Serbia, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea, focusing on forced migration and social cohesion. This project offers a unique opportunity to explore ways to create a supportive global ecosystem for cultural collaboration.

Press release:

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