Exhibition 100 Thousand Poets for Change

Association Kulturanova invited poets from all over the Balkans region to participate in action Direct consumation of culture and to exhibit their poems in Novi Sad, on one of the walls in one of the open spaces in city centre. The exhibition of poems 100 Thousand Poets for Change is another action which is part of the long term project of Association Kulturanova called Gradionica

, which have the aim to deal with afirmative actions, creations, cultural and artistic production, and to put focus on problem of using public space and a need of independent cultural scene for venue like this. Action 100 Thousand Poets for Change consists of more then 600 events happening at the same time in more then 450 cities all over the world.

Beside exhibiting those poems on a public space, they have been also published on a blog http://freepoets.blogspot.com, as well as on the web page dedicated to this project (http://100tpc.org).

After 24th September of 2011, all gathered documentation about the project has been archived on Stanford University in California, USA as a part of a project of digital archiving LOCKSS.