About archiving

After four days of workshops of archiving under the lidership of Miljenka Buljević and Dunja Kučinac from Zagreb, many NGOs organizations have walked through the spaces of the Association Kulturanova and CK13. After many hours of converasation about the work of in their own organizations, we realized that NGOs in Serbia and Croatia,

their documentation of programs, projects and various other documents that show the work of the organizations, are most often left to change, oral tradition or keeping at various places around the office, attics, warehauses. After a while, all these documents are forgotten and when members of the organization need them-funding them can be a real problem. Inspired by this issue, in 2003, Miljenka Buljević and Dunja Kučinac from Zagreb launched The Center for archiving of independent culture in their city, and have collected a considerable number of items in the work of their organization with the independent cultural csene in Zagreb. With the organizations present they shared their experience and many tips, which will greatly assist in further work the indpendent cultural scene, and also their work will become more visible and preserved in one place, and, as they say, soon it will become available in an on-line archive.