On Friday, 11/21/2014. in “Association Kulturanova’s office space in Novi Sad, a meeting was held in conjunction with the initiative launched by the ICSS (the “Independent Cultural Scene Serbia”) for the establishment of regional resource centers, which was launched in the annual General Meeting
that was held in Belgrade from 31 . October to 2 November. Vojvodina has been identified as one of the region where the establishment of such center is feasible. The agenda of the meeting which was held on Friday, we started with introducing new members of ICSS, primarily placing emphasis on their work. The crucial topic was the selection of an organization that would assume responsibilities and activities RC NKSS for period of one year, as well as the establishment of an action plan. Recognizing the needs of networking and creating regional networks that will gather close territorial organization, and programming, and in the center of these networks will be located at a resource strongest organization that will function as a resource center of this regional network. Through several hours of discussion for a leading organization was selected the “Association Kulturanova”.
At the working session identified the following benefits of regional networking:
– Improving communication among members
– Transfer of knowledge
– Sharing resources
– Increasing the capacity of project
– Creation of a database of members of a regional network within the Resource Center, to transfer to other organizations of the Association, other working groups, etc.
– Faster and more efficient communication campaign for the realization of the Association, and other activities of the Association NKSS
– Solidarity organizations – potentially greater
– Due to more frequent communication with members within the region, more precisely could determine whether some organizations are active or not (which could be vital when deciding on someone’s eventual exclusion from ICSS)