Papergirl in Novi Sad

Papergirl is a project that took place in September 2013 in Novi Sad (Serbia) as an integral part of the Street Artist Festival.

Papergirl is, in essence, a mail art and delivery systems art project that is participatory, analog, non-commercial, and impulsive.

All submitted artworks were presented at a joint exhibition at the festival, then artworks were wrapped in tubes that were divided among the participants of the festival by members of Kulturanova and cyclists from Novi Sad. The idea is to surprise people with an unexpected present and brighten up their day with art.

Everyone could participate and different things were submitted: originals, copies, prints, photos, drawings, paintings, collages, mixed media, zines, writings, textiles, stickers, etc. Format, style and technique were free.

We wanted to encourage everybody to send multiples of their work, so it could be put into many art rolls.

The only requirement was that the art could be rolled up! Each roll contained several different works, meaning that each one holds a unique combination of works.

All received artwork was shown on the blog (, and exhibited at a Festival. After that, it was distributed to the festival audience.