Dear friends, first we would like to thank you because you gladly responded to the previous audition, but the good news is still to come. We invite all of you who were not able to attend the previous audition to do it this time.
If you love to travel and to socialize, sign up for participation in the Summer Art Camp, which will be held in Novi Sad from 21 to 27 July, in the framework of the project EXCEPT- Exchange of Community Based Cultural Practices. The project is supported by the European Commission and it is involving six countries (Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Serbia and Hungary).
Come to the audition which will be held on June 17 from 11 AM at CAS “Svetozar Markovic”, Šumadijska 6a (next to the Fish Market).
It is necessary to prepare the solo act (monologue, scene, song, dance, recitation…) for a period of 3 minutes.
Applications should be sent to where you should briefly introduce yourself and tell us why you want to be in touch with the theater.
See you at the audition!