Audition for the play “Bezbojni časovi čovečanstva”

We are looking for an actor or an actress for the new play of Association Kulturanova, which is being created as part of the TeatarNova 2020 program, in collaboration with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival and Slovenian National Theatre from Maribor. 

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The theme of the play are migrants and migrations, on the basis of the original text written by Aleksandra Mrđen and directed by Ivana Janošev. Work on the play is based on the biography of Stefan Zweig and the current migrant crisis in the Balkans. The rehearsal period is planned for March/April at the Novi Sad Theater, with a premiere scheduled for 5/5/2020 in Novi Sad, and at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival on 7/13/2020.

The call is open for all actors from Novi Sad. 

The deadline for the applications is 17th of February at 17h, and selected candidates will be invited for an interview within 5 days. 

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us at