Are you interested in theater and want to see what “behind the scenes” looks like? Do you like to express yourself in a creative way and talk about social topics? Do you have something to say and do you have some free time? We have the space and someone to hear and see you.
Introductory workshops will be held on Wednesdays from 7.30 pm starting March 4, 2020, where we will present a work plan, read texts and choose a topic about which we will create the play.
The TeatarNova project is being implemented for the third year in a row now. Each year, through the theater, we point out a social problem in the community, and what young people feel and want to change.
We believe that culture, and theater, in particular, is a filter through which it is possible to point out everything that should change around you. The topics range from forbidden love and how Romeo and Juliet would get along in Novi Sad today, to the loneliness issues of young people in today’s environment.
TeatarNova is open to all young people who have the desire, whether or not they have experience.
See you at TeatarNova vol.3!