Festival of Reconciliation 2023.

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the Association Kuturanova is participating in the organization of the Festival of Reconciliation, together with the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. This year, the second edition of the festival, will be held from September 7 to 10 in the building of the Faculty of Philosophy.

It seems that it has never been more important and necessary to talk about reconciliation, peaceful coexistence and overcoming the consequences of past conflicts. A large part of the population in certain countries of the former Yugoslavia, which were at war with each other, is not ready to admit their crimes, and this represents a major obstacle to the creation of a democratic dialogue that would lead to reconciliation. On this trail, the path to peace is hindered by the lack of objective consideration of the victims and consequences of war. We believe that educating young people could be the key to creating a tolerant, democratic and free society.

Therefore, the main goal of the Festival of Reconciliation is to encourage young people from the region to think critically about topics related to peace, reconciliation and interculturalism in the region, which are not often present in social discourse (or not in an adequate way), in order to create capacities for further action by creating interventions/programs/activities for the promotion of reconciliation and the strengthening of participatory democracies in their environment.

In parallel with the Festival, it is planned to hold a summer school intended for young people from the countries of the Western Balkans and Croatia. The aim of this activity is to cover various areas that are not often discussed in public, as well as to introduce the idea of ​​reconciliation to the participants and to reflect on it. Some of the preliminary topics include: sexual violence in war conflicts and its consequences, anti-war movements and their actions today. The summer school program foresees psychodrama workshops and music workshops during which text and music will be created on one of the topics covered.

The public program of the Reconciliation Festival (discussions, round tables) will focus on the topics covered in the summer school. This program will be accompanied by a cultural and artistic event every evening (eg theater performance, concert, exhibition, etc.).

More information coming soon.