Kulturanova starts working on a new project – aMUSEment supported by the Erasus+ program of the European Commission
Our main objective is to build capacities of professionals in cultural institutions in creative game design in order to be better equipped to attract different target groups and involve them in creating programs of their institutions.
Specific objectives include:
- Providing quality non-formal education opportunities for professionals in cultural sector on the topic of creative game design.
- Providing methodology for active involvement of different target groups in designing programs of cultural institutions.
- Ensure upscaling and dissemination of project results and created resources on European level. Method of creative game design, as opposed to traditional practices of museum education and displays, are creating opportunities for museum professionals from different backgrounds to connect to audiences, who based on research remain distant and passive in museum environments.
Furthermore, capacity building will accommodate museum professionals with skills and methodologies, with what they can create more flexible, more focused, and more creative museum programs within their own institutions.
Main target group of our project are museum professionals in two participating countries, mainly from two cities – Budapest, Hungary, and Novi Sad, Serbia. We want to include the professionals from institutions which are open for new methodologies and motivated to improve their current offer by involving audiences into creating more engaging programs and exhibitions. We are also targeting more experienced and established professionals, motivated to build their capacities in creative game design and actively involving their audiences in it. On the other hand, we‘d also like to involve less experienced, emerging professionals in the field, who could apply the gained skills from the start of their carreer. In addition to public cultural sector, we‘d include professionals from independent cultural organisations, interested in learning about game design.
Our indirect target group is young adults, whose participation in museum programs we aim to increase. They will be actively involved in local activities of our primary participants. In addition, our long term aim is to ensure their continuous active involvement in creating museum offers through creative game design.
Lead organization: Association Kulturanova