Podcast “Dream Chasers” EP04 – Jelena Božić

In the fourth episode of the series “Dream Chasers”, which brings stories about successful young people – creatives, artists, activists, Jelena Božić was a guest!

In this episode, we bring you a conversation with journalist, activist and youth worker Jelena Božić. She is the winner of several journalism awards, including those for ethical reporting on mental health and poverty, as well as for the best young journalist. She is a trainer of media and information literacy and the director of the international multimedial TAKT Fest, which has been held since 2012 in Novi Sad, organized by the Association of Kulturanova.

Prepared by: Milan Damjanović

The “Dream Chasers” podcast is realized in cooperation with the Youth Association of the “OPENS” association through the “Youth in the Center of Sustainable Community” program, which is financed from the budget of the City of Novi Sad, the City Administration for Sports and Youth – Office for Youth.

You can listen to the episode at this link:https://open.spotify.com/episode/5cQl4UfEbotP47SgyGDTWZ