“Arts aNd Theatre for YounG peOple NEeds” (ANTYGONE) is a two-year Erasmus+ project focused on theatre and performing arts as tools to foster the social inclusion of young people, based on an innovative theatre method developed in other EU-funded projects by LA GUILLA Theatre.
The project involves the creation of a Methodological Framework, a Toolkit and Recommendations for practitioners and youth workers to be able to use the ANTYGONE method and combine it with other best practices from partnering countries, to ease the social inclusion of disadvantaged youth and empower youth workers with new professional tools.
During the two-year duration, the A.N.T.Y.G.O.N.E. project will produce three key tools, freely available on the project website, to make the systematized methodology accessible and useful to youth workers, cultural workers, artists.
Kulturanova took care of collecting and formatting the research, which sheds some light on the use of theater for social purposes. Analyzing and considering the local and national environment of each partner, this document brings together:
- Research conducted by local, national and regional partners on the current use of theater as a tool for social inclusion;
- Focus groups with professionals, researchers and actors from the cultural, youth and social sectors from each country, in order to integrate their experiences and visions into the work on the project.
The project is led by the European theater company ALTER EGO (X) based in the French city of Annecy. In addition to Kulturanova, the partner organizations of the project include the cultural association Theatre alla Guilla from Palermo (Italy) and the association Divadlo bez domova – Theatre With No Home from Bratislava (Slovakia).