Naša nova međunarodna saradnja Play MOBILE ima za cilj da razvije kulturno učešće u mikroregijama Evrope. Ovim projektom želimo
Naša nova međunarodna saradnja Play MOBILE ima za cilj da razvije kulturno učešće u mikroregijama Evrope. Ovim projektom želimo
Port of Dreamers is another international project Kulturanova is working on. This time, we are working in collaboration with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival from Croatia and the Maribor Slovene National Theatre on the project Port of Dreamers. Port of Dreamers deals…
Let’s shake things up at the music scene in Novi Sad! We believe you can do it! We would like to help young musicians, young people who experience music through photography and video, who are 100% in music design, mixing,…
How do we perceive our city? Is there such a thing as forbidden love today? Who are your heroes? How would you like to take a chance on acting? Are you interested in how young people live today?
It’s the seventh TaktFest this year! This year’s TaktFest will take place in the Cultural Center Lab, from August 25-26.
Kulturanova ran several drama workshops with young people and recorded the stories about inVisible heroes as part of the TeatarNova project, carried out by Kulturanova in collaboration with OPENS2019. Now, our organization is looking for someone to help us with…
Upon the conclusion of the WBCC – Western Balkan Creative Clash project, Kulturanova Association is holding the closing conference during which the results and insights from the project will be presented.
Kulturanova Association is implementing the project with the aim to establish cooperation between artists and organizations in Serbia. The project was called Western Balkans Creative Clash/WBCC
Kulturanova Association organized the FeeLMS for Creativity training during which shared experience and knowledge with four other organizations and thirty cultural workers who work with youth from Hungary, Italy, Croatia, and Serbia.
As part of the Serbia Creative Clash project supported by the Development Agency of Serbia, we would like to invite artists to join the Second Artistic Intervention that will take place in Vojvodina.