

Project ViSet


ViSet is a European project that includes four partner countries Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Serbia lasting two years, which will promote the most contemporary digital technologies that may greatly contribute to the performing arts, with a goal to highlight…



ViSet je evropski projekat koji uključuje četiri partnerske zemlje Italiju, Veliku Britaniju, Španiju i Srbiju u trajanju od dve godine koji će promovisati najsavremenije digitalne tehnologije koje u velikoj meri mogu doprineti izvođačkim umetnostima

About archiving

After four days of workshops of archiving under the lidership of Miljenka Buljević and Dunja Kučinac from Zagreb, many NGOs organizations have walked through the spaces of the Association Kulturanova and CK13. After many hours of converasation about the work…

Papergirl in Novi Sad

Papergirl is a project that took place in September 2013 in Novi Sad (Serbia) as an integral part of the Street Artist Festival. Papergirl is, in essence, a mail art and delivery systems art project that is participatory, analog,…

Dance with Natsuko Kono

Butoh is a contemporary Japanese dance form, developed in the sixties in the vibrant artistic re-awakening of post-war Japan. Dancers who embrace this form change their concept of dance and life. They nurture a strong intention to unravel the mystery…

Workshop of archiving

Organizations in the independent culture scene in general do not have systematized and functional archives and their work is usually left to the oral history. The vast majority of the material remains inaccessible and difficult verifiable information. 

Exhibition 100 Thousand Poets for Change

Association Kulturanova invited poets from all over the Balkans region to participate in action Direct consumation of culture and to exhibit their poems in Novi Sad, on one of the walls in one of the open spaces in city centre.…

Dance With Natsuko Kono

Kulturanova has during the weekend proudly enabled and realized a two-day workshop Dance with Natsuko Kono. The workshop is based on Butoh – a contemporary Japanese dance form that was developed during the sixties in a new artistic revival of…

Regional Resource Center

On Friday, 11 in “Association Kulturanova’s office space in Novi Sad, a meeting was held in conjunction with the initiative launched by the ICSS (the “Independent Cultural Scene Serbia”) for the establishment of regional resource centers, which was launched in the annual…

Magic of the moment

“Magic of the moment – Clown in improvisation” is a workshop about taking risks for mistakes and naivety. We do a lot of games, exercises and improvisations to get into the mood of a clown. The challenge is to be…