

Revive the castle

dvorac reklama

Association Kulturanova from Novi Sad organizes by site-specific performance in an abandoned castle of the family Spitzer in Beočin on Sunday, September 2, starting at 19 o’clock. Interdisciplinary-oriented artists will be using dance, music, light effects, video and audio projection,…

Invitation to the festival “Waiting”

pozivnica festival

It is our pleasure to invite you to one-night festival/omnibus performance: WaitingMokhallad RasemKristian Al Droubi, Lotte van den Berg, Yousif Abbas, Gokhan Shapolski Girginol Premiere: 15.06.2013. at 20h in Bitef theatreRe-run: 16.06.2013. at 20h in Bitef theatre Omnibus “Waiting” is…

Call for Summer Academy of applied Performing Art practices

except logo

We kindly invite artists, teachers and social workers to take part in an international project, called “EXCEPT”.  Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Art Practices (EXCEPT) is a 2-year long Europe-wide program with six countries directly involved (Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Serbia…



All of you who love the theater, welcome to the artistic journey of the project EXCEPT. If you would like to go out on stage, recite something or maybe dance and show your skill, act out, sing or tell something…

Benefit show


In order to somehow make life easier for vulnerable populations in flooded areas in Serbia, we decided to rerun the show, “Gulliver in Kazohinia”. The show will be played on June 16th (19h) in CAS “Svetozar Marković (Šumadijska 10.) As…



Deveti FIST priređuje GOZBU za sve pozorišne sladokusce. Deveti po redu Festival internacionalnog studentskog teatra FIST 09 će se održatiod 7. do 10. novembra na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti. FIST je festival koji svake godine organizuju studenti Katedre za menadžment i podukciju…