

A3.Format publication A3:ID typographic issue Vol:4

A3.Format stands before you once again with a low-budget issue, a publication that came to life as the result of competition called “Ideology of Design” for the fourth publication thematically marked ‘typographical issues’. This compilation of works presents specifically modified…

Art and Activism Caravan (2006)

Art and Activism Caravan (2006)

AA Karavan je internacionalni projekat koji je započeo putovanje iz Grčke (početkom juna 2006) kroz Makedoniju, Albaniju, Crnu Goru, Srbiju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Mađarsku

Takt Fest starts NOW!

If you’re young and you like to compose and do music, apply! The festival aims to bring together, connect and help in promoting original music production. The right to participate in the festival have all individuals, and groups, regardless of geographic…

Call for audition!


Dear friends, first we would like to thank you because you gladly responded to the previous audition, but the good news is still to come. We invite all of you who were not able to attend the previous audition to…