

Register to the free CreatEU learning platform

Kulturanova invites cultural workers, artists and all those who want to learn more about the cultural and creative industries to apply to the CreatEU learning platform. This platform can help you gather knowledge and skills in the following areas in…

Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian

The manuscript Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian is the first book written by Dragoslav Čupić, a writer from Novi Sad. For the most part written in the first person, the book includes nineteen stories in prose.

The publication “How open is Novi Sad to diversity?”

The publication “How open is Novi Sad to diversity?” was published, which is part of the Diversity Hub project of the Association Kulturanova, supported by the Goethe Institute through the International Relief Fund 2021. During the research, nine interviews were conducted with…

Project Diversity Hub

Another Kulturanova project is underway, called Diversity Hub. Diversity Hub is conceived as a kind of “center of diversity” and a gathering place for people of different genders, ages and sexual orientations, with or without disabilities, from all walks of…

Call for playwright

As part of the project “Many perspectives, many experiences: Oral histories”, we held workshops on the method of documenting life stories and memories – ORAL HISTORIES METHOD. Through the video interviews, we will come to 10 stories – memories of…