

Call for ABMS workshops

An invitation is open for participants for online workshops/training on Merging Methodologies & Practice Applications for Vulnerable Populations within the Anti-Bullying Movement Series (ABMS) project. The workshops are intended for: artists, cultural workers, youth workers and leaders, creatives, sociologists, psychologists,…

Oral Histories – new project of Kulturanova

Project “Oral histories”, developed in cooperation with Center for Democratic Development Europolis, Centre for regionalism (both from Novi Sad) and Oral History Initiative Kosova (from Pristina), promotes the role of youth in shrinking the socio-ethnic distance among ethnic communities in Serbia…

Call for ORAL HISTORY workshop

Within the project “Encouraging dialogue between young people from Serbia and Kosovo”, we are organizing workshops for journalists, sociologists, historians, political scientists, cultural scientists and all those interested in the process of reconciliation between young people from Serbia and Kosovo.…

New project: Anti-Bullying Movement Series (ABMS)

Kulturanova has started working on new European project – Anti-Bullying Movement Series (ABMS). The phenomena of school aggression (harassment, victimization, exclusion from the community) – in the opinion of many – are part of the conflicts in the community that are…

Publication of the project “What’s your problem?”

Kulturanova presents the final publication of the project “What’s your problem?”, which contains 25 texts on hate speech, stereotypes, prejudices, rights of national minorities and gender equality, written by young people from 6 municipalities in Vojvodina: Backa Palanka, Vrbas, Vrsac, Zrenjanin,…

Dialogue and Difference – new project of Kulturanova

US-Serbian Creative Community Building – Dialogue and Difference project, shorten known as “Dialogue and Difference”, developed in cooperation with Hand2Mouth Theatre (Portland, Oregon, USA) and Dah Theatre from Belgrade, is based on cooperation and exchange of knowledge among community-engaged artists…

New project of Kulturanova: YO.US.T.A.R.

YOUSTAR is a two-year ERASMUS+ project, which focuses on theater and performing arts as tools for encouraging the social inclusion of young people, based on innovative theater methods, developed in other EU-funded projects.  It has 7 partners, mostly theater associations,…