

Creative Soft Skills (2019-2021)

Creative Soft Skills

Cilj projekta je da proizvede metodologiju koja će moći da identifikuje, osnaži i prepozna tzv. “meke veštine” umetnika (lične osobine i veštine; eng. soft skills) i uspostavi konekciju između umetnika i tržišta rada kroz sertifikaciju kreativnih ličnih osobina i veština.

TAKT Fest 2019 – Find your colour!


TAKT 2019 will be held in Novi Sad, from September 20 to September 22, and this time our home will be SoulPeddler. For this year we have prepared the best TAKT so far! Besides the music competition, we will have workshops,…



  Tokom progresivnog pomeranja u kretivnu ekonomiju, gde je „novo normalno“- postalo je jasno da postoji velika težnja za inovacijama u svim evropskim zemljama, svim sektorima u ekonomiji i u svim vrstama organizacija. U novom svetu, u kome živimo, stara…

“Z elements”

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Generation Z is formed by young people that grew up during the last years of the economic crisis, mostly born between mid 90’s and 2010. They represent 25% of the world population and have a strong influential capacity that make…

Invisible Heroes

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This project is operating in order to implement actions of peacebuilding, intercultural education and advocacy for minorities’ rights (in this specific case, those of the Romani minority) which are of crucial importance for the community and part of a bigger…

Can you see me?

Untitled design 6

We are faced with a lack of communication between local people and migrants in these communities and the presence of several negative stereotypes of migrants, which later lead to segregation. 

TeatarNova – theater play “Romeo and Juliette”


As part of the TeatarNova project, the play Romeo and Juliet was made.  Young people created the play by participating in the workshops and working on Shakespeare’s text. The process was facilitated by Uroš Mladenović (actor and youth worker), and…