Can you see me?

Untitled design 6

We are faced with a lack of communication between local people and migrants in these communities and the presence of several negative stereotypes of migrants, which later lead to segregation. 

The presence of migrants in Serbia is constantly growing and therefore it is necessary to work on their integration and social inclusion. 

Poor or no communication in several cities led to unnecessary tensions, and all this has a background in mutual ignorance and misunderstanding and should, therefore, be the two gupe connect and get to know the problems they are facing, in order to jointly come up with a solution, particularly among young people from both groups. 

It is necessary to create their so-called safe zone, where they will encounter understanding, equality, and tolerance. Considering all this, our organization, together with the Russian home from Sid, which is one of the most important institutions in the city, working on a project “Can you see me,” which is about to connect young migrants with young local inhabitants through workshops. 

A total of 16 participants at eight in each group will work on making short films which will help young people develop their skills and knowledge, but most importantly, which will help raise awareness about the importance of tolerance, visibility of migrants in Sid, and other local communities.