Dance with Natsuko Kono
Butoh is a contemporary Japanese dance form, developed in the sixties in the vibrant artistic re-awakening of post-war Japan. Dancers…
Butoh is a contemporary Japanese dance form, developed in the sixties in the vibrant artistic re-awakening of post-war Japan. Dancers…
Kulturanova has during the weekend proudly enabled and realized a two-day workshop Dance with Natsuko Kono. The workshop is based…
“Magic of the moment – Clown in improvisation” is a workshop about taking risks for mistakes and naivety. We do…
Association Kulturanova co-produced the theatre play Lexicon of YU Mythology in co-production with NETA (New European Theater Action), directed by…
Jul 2003. Internacinonalni festival “XChanges” – projekat baziran na kulturnoj razmeni između dva grada: Strazburga (FR) i Novog Sada (SCG).…
Avgust 2005. FACE- Karavan #3 festival u Beogradu i Novom Sadu okupio je umetnike iz Francuske, Belgije, Nemačke, Srbije i…
From the 15th to the 19th of July, nine members of the Kulturanova crew – organizer, two coordinators, four interviewers,…
In the framework of the long-term project GRADIONICA (city-workshop project), Association Kulturanova is organizing two dance/theater workshops in the summer,…
28th June 2011. in Bitef theatre, Belgrade started rehearsals of a play that tells a story about the life of…
Asocijacija Kulturanova organizuje, drugi po redu, plesni performans u okviru dugoročnog