Kulturanova has won two new projects co-funded by Creative Europe

creative europe

Association Kulturanova received two new projects within the European cooperation projects 2020 of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission. The realization of these projects is planned for the period from 2020 to 2022.

These are the What’SAP and Invisible Lives projects, which we will implement together with European partners.

We congratulate other organizations from Serbia that have been approved for the projects, and we are looking forward to the implementation of ours.


The project is directly linked to previous successful projects of the different partners: EXCEPT, Academy for Actors of Social Change 2018, Academy of Actors for Social Change 2019 and Play!Mobile.

The aims of the project are: to promote socially-engaged art practice as a profession, capacity building for artists working and/or interested in socially-engaged art practices, to foster a cross sectoral co-operation between artists, social and educational experts, audience development by improving access for underprivileged youngsters to the creative works both as creator and as audience

The process of the project is built on well-separated milestones. The focus is getting wider and wider with each activity, starting from the core partner team and reaching out to the wider public. The activities include the work with experts, work with underprivileged youngsters till the wide group of stakeholders and general public. The entire period is two years between the end of 2020 untill 2022 closing with a final conference.

Lead partner is Pro Progressione from Hungary, and beside Kulturanova partner organisations are ARCHA Theatre from Czech Republic and Compagnie DK-Bel from France.

Invisible Lives

The aim of the project is to bring to light stories behind the invisible lives of marginalised groups of society through transnational mobility of artists coming from Latvia, Montenegro and Serbia and working with marginalised groups and are willing to put their experience and know-how together to bring work in this field to a new level, through transnational exchange of artistic practices, involvement of representatives of marginalised groups in the creation of work and wider audience engagement.

In each of the countries an international group of artists will work with one of the marginalised gorups of society. In Cesis, Latvia, photographers will work together with blind people in creating photographs and sound scapes on topics important for this group. In Novi Sad, Serbia, performance artists will be using the method of devised theatre to tell stories of LGBT people. In Montenegro film makers will work together with people with disabilities on making short stories telleing their stories. During the project workshop participating artists will work together with representatives of local communities coming from marginalised groups of society. The artworks created in this process will be exposed on transnational level at project partner countries and also submitting them for inclusion in different photo, performance and short film festivals.

Lead partner of the project is Ruckas makslas fonds from Latvia and partners organizations are Kulturanova form Serbia and Art 365 from Montenegro.