The general objective of the ePerf project is to improve the actors students’ and Academy staff’s digital skills, in order to make their artistical language and organisational abilities closer to current international practices. We are going to implement two types of activities: short term mobility of VET learners and invited experts.
Short term mobility is dedicated only to learners, specifically to the entire classes of the 2. and the 3. year of the Academy.
The 2. year class is going to have a two-weeks exchange in Centrul CINETic al UNATC in Romania, while the 3. year will be hosted by Teater V, a Copenhagen-based theatre that produces and presents professional theatre performances. They will work in developing digital acting skills in order to learn how to express their artistic skills with new innovative tools and languages.
Invited experts will be four, two of them for learners and two for staff members. Learners (2. and 3. year) will have one-week workshop with international companies already working in digital field; staff members will host a digital communication expert fo Vilnius University and a Project Manager from a Serbian cultural hub. Both will develop specific strategies with TSV offices.
We expect that:
– our learners will be able to express themselves artistically through digital tools (average score of the evaluation process 7,5/10)
– our learners will be able to use digital ways of expression in performances and theatre productions (KPI: producing in 2024 a digital/hybrid show with recent graduated)
– our staff members will be able to imagine, desing and implement innovative projects in the field of digital theatre and audience development, having in mind European policies (at least 3 innovative developing projects two months after the end of the activity “invited experts”)
– our learners and staff members will assimilate principles of inclusion, accessibility, environmental sustainability