New Erasmus+ project of Kulturanova: Dream Theatre

Kulturanova begins work on a new project supported through the Erasmus+ program – Social inclusion and new learning opportunities in drama therapy – Dream Theater (DT).

According to the European Union’s report “Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-Being”, the limited or lack of available resources and services for mental health issues, together with financial constraints, as well as a general lack of knowledge about mental disorders in many countries, affect the effective treatment of psychiatric conditions. A multidisciplinary approach that envisages the integration of recreational and creative activities, such as theater, into the therapeutic treatment of psychiatric patients has evidence-based benefits for the general well-being of patients.

In particular, drama therapy has been shown to play a positive role in alleviating many mental and physical health conditions. Drama therapy is a valuable way of expression, capable of creating connections in many fields, such as health care, which can bring sustainable value and results to individuals, organizations and collectives.

The main objectives of the project include:

  • creating opportunities for the social inclusion of psychiatric patients and improvement through drama therapy,
  • combating the stigma of mental health, for patients and operators,
  • developing transversal skills for cultural and health operators regarding drama therapy for psychiatric patients,
  • promoting the exchange of best practices on drama therapy for cultural and health professionals at the EU level,
  • networking at the national and European levels for real learning and training environments for psychiatric patients.

The Dream Theater project consists of five parts:

  • WP1 – project management,
  • WP2 – learning opportunities,
  • WP3 – the transnational model of drama therapy services,
  • WP4 – networking,
  • WP5 – sharing and promotion.

The Association Kulturanova will work on the fifth unit (WP5), which includes coordinating all dissemination activities of project activities and results, developing a common transnational communication plan (TCP), producing the final documentary video, and organizing a theater performance in Serbia. We will also host the third transnational partnership meeting, which will be held in Novi Sad in December 2023.

Project partners: Centro Diego Fabbri Di Studi Ricerche e Formazione Sul Teatro (Italy), Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale della Romagna (Italy), Fundacion Intras (Spain), Diputacion Provincial de Alicante (Spain), Landspitali University Hospital (Iceland), Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne Teatr Grodzki (Poland).