The project “Teknicholor – Traditional ecological knowledge & film education” is inspired by the twofold educational mission of introducing young people to the iconosphere of audiovisual language, while raising awareness of the subject expressed by goal 13 of the UN 2030 Agenda, namely mitigating the effects of climate change.
As traditional ecological knowledge is mainly based on oral transmission, the innovative and technological potential of audiovisuals is an effective means of involving young people in the discovery and enhancement of this knowledge and skills, both on a local and international scale. The project also envisages a training proposal for the educational community to stay up-to-date on innovative film education, audience development, and environmental education methodologies.
The project envisages the following actions:
A.1. – Contemporary photography workshops: photography pathway aimed at creating: a) collective film storyboard; b) exhibition and publication.
A.2. – Documentary and animated film workshops for the production of a collective film capable of enhancing traditional local ecological knowledge: a) film education and environmental education; b) shooting; c) post-production; d) restitution, dissemination and distribution.
A.3. – Film festival: screenings and film analysis of film that highlight the involvement of local and international communities in climate change mitigation;
A.4. International events “Environmental sustainability, rural contexts, and landscapes in film education” (activity also included in the European project Film Heiress): three training days with the participation of international experts: a) exchange of good practises on film education and audience development; b) production of digital toolkit for the educating community; c) introduction to the educating community to the methodology developed on film education.
Project partners: Ezme film, Schools (IC Negrar, IC Sant’Ambrogio di Valpollicella, I.S. Levi-Calabrese) People’s Open University Varaždin (Croazia) Fundația ABI-Fundație (Romania) Association Kulturanova (Serbia) Fundacion universitaria San Antonio (Spain) Novi sad youth capital of Europe – OPENS (Serbia)