Playful Arts Festival
Poziv na konkurs Kulturanova priprema projekat saradnje sa Playful Arts festivalom iz Holandije Playful arts festival dešava se u istorijski…
Poziv na konkurs Kulturanova priprema projekat saradnje sa Playful Arts festivalom iz Holandije Playful arts festival dešava se u istorijski…
At the workshops, you will be able to study the basics of circus skills through juggling, acrobatics, balance, movement and…
Asocijacija Kulturanova od 2013. godine aktivno učestvije i organizuje projekat EXCEPT- Exchange of Community Based Cultural Practices koji je podržala…
ViSet is a European project that includes four partner countries Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Serbia lasting two years, which…
ViSet je evropski projekat koji uključuje četiri partnerske zemlje Italiju, Veliku Britaniju, Španiju i Srbiju u trajanju od dve godine koji će…
After four days of workshops of archiving under the lidership of Miljenka Buljević and Dunja Kučinac from Zagreb, many NGOs…
Papergirl is a project that took place in September 2013 in Novi Sad (Serbia) as an integral part of the…
Butoh is a contemporary Japanese dance form, developed in the sixties in the vibrant artistic re-awakening of post-war Japan. Dancers…
Organizations in the independent culture scene in general do not have systematized and functional archives and their work is usually…
Association Kulturanova invited poets from all over the Balkans region to participate in action Direct consumation of culture and to…