River//Cities – Flows of Identity (2010)
Kulturanova, in cooperation with its eight partner organisations, is currently implementing a project for the promotion and organisational development of…
Kulturanova, in cooperation with its eight partner organisations, is currently implementing a project for the promotion and organisational development of…
Ovaj zajednički projekat je prvi korak ka uspostavljanju partnerstava i razvijanja dugoročnih kulturnih i umetničkih saradnji među organizacijama koje se…
Jul 2003. Internacinonalni festival “XChanges” – projekat baziran na kulturnoj razmeni između dva grada: Strazburga (FR) i Novog Sada (SCG).…
Avgust 2005. FACE- Karavan #3 festival u Beogradu i Novom Sadu okupio je umetnike iz Francuske, Belgije, Nemačke, Srbije i…
Urban Challenge was a part of a “All different all equal” Campaign of the Council of Europe with main aims…
Violence… violence in the family, school violence, street violence, sports related violence, political violence, visual violence, media violence Internet violence,…
Basic idea of a design lies in it’s tendency to fit any given budget.The second publication from “Urban Violence” series…
We stand before you once again with a low-budget issue, a publication that came to life as the result of…
OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS! 03.02.2010. – 03.05.2010.