CoDaSi – Contemporary dance for sustainability and inclusion
Association Kulturanova started working on a new project supported through the ERASMUS+ program – CoDaSi – Contemporary dance for sustainability…
Association Kulturanova started working on a new project supported through the ERASMUS+ program – CoDaSi – Contemporary dance for sustainability…
How much freedom do we have? What and who are we afraid of? What does the law say? What is our power, and…
Association Kulturanova started working on a new project supported by the Creative Europe program – WBYO Accelerando. The mission of WBYO…
The topic of the second episode of the Night Butterflies podcast is human rights. We talked about this topic with Jelena…
In the first episode of the Night Butterflies podcast, we spoke with Jelena Karać, a sociologist and youth worker who…
The third episode of the Night Butterflies podcast is reserved for a story about mental health. We talked about this important…
As part of the international project YO.US.T.A.R, together with partners in the past two years, we worked on the application…
“Arts aNd Theatre for YounG peOple NEeds” (ANTYGONE) is a two-year Erasmus+ project focused on theatre and performing arts as…
This year, Kulturanova worked on the production of a documentary film about the contemporary Slovak diaspora, as part of a…
During the TAKT Fest 2022, we had two round tables. One was called “Producing music in V4+ region and beyond”.…