The premiere of our play “Ko je ovde lud?” / “Who’s crazy here?”, as part of the Teatarnova programme, was held on April 6th. It is also our first online theatre play – it was premiered via the Zoom app.
The audience could choose between two performing dates, and the day before the performance, all “seats” were reserved!
The play was based on the text “The Idiot” by Muza Pavlova.
Cast: Uros Mladenovic and Isidora Vlcek
Further performances of this play are planned, and one is already scheduled for April 9!
Anyone wishing to see the play should send an email to with the subject line of the date they are applying for.
In that email, they will receive (if necessary) instructions regarding the use of the Zoom app. Don’t worry, it’s just one click on the link.
“Entry” to the play is free, and anyone wishing to support the independent cultural scene can do so through donations – with a symbolic payment to the account: 265-0000004403705-98