Open Call for Applications for Working with Youth Training

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You can appply for the training for working with youth using creative industries by midnight, August 13.

If you have experience in working with young people and you actively participate in culture and creative industries, or you are interested in the ways of applying the best practices in these fields and encouraging civic engagement among young people, then this might be the right training for you!

To apply for the seven-day international training, please complete the form available HERE by midnight, August 13. The training will take place in Novi Sad, from September 1-7, as part of the FeeLMS for Creativity project supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program. The project is carried out by five organizations with a rich experience with working in culture and creative industries: Sineglossa (Italy), Pro Progressione (Hungary), Udruga Domino (Croatia), Kulturanova and the Cinema City Association (Srbija). The partners are gathered around the common belief that there is a need for implementing a genuinely innovative approach to working with youth, which is combined with methods and experiences from culture, creative industries, and youth entrepreneurship.


During seven days that we will spend together, we will learn from each other, build networks, share experiences, develop joint projects, while having fun at the same time working with our partners from Hungary, Croatia, and Italy. Also, the training will partly take place during Gradić Fest and Cinema City Film Festival in the Lower Town of Petrovaradin Fortress. The participants will thus have the opportunity to be festival guests and gain first-hand experience in creative industries by enjoying films, music, and other events in the evening.

The participants are expected to be proficient in English as it is the working language of the project. We invite all working with young people in Novi Sad to apply and actively participate in our project activities. Selected participants:
1.    are expected to participate in the FeeLMS for creativity training, which aims to develop capacities of youth workers by using examples of good practice in creative industries and culture. The training will take place in Novi Sad, from September 1-7. A tentative schedule consists of combined work and visits from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.;
2.    upon completing the training, from October 2017 until February 2018, they are expected to apply one of the scientific methods learned in practice by organizing an activity with a group of young people in their local community and preparing a short report to be sent to the project coordinators.

In February 2018, the project coordinators will select the most active participants who will have the opportunity to attend We Practice Creativity seminar, which will take place in Ancona, Italy, in April 2018.
During the projects, the participants will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the FeeLMS for Creativity e-learning platform, based on the open-source Moodle Learning Management system – LMS. The platform will be used for sharing experiences between the partnering countries, the implementation of practical tasks with students, and communication between the youth workers. The participants are expected to actively contribute to the platform, and the entire e-learning process will be facilitated by local coordinators.