It is with great pleasure that we present to you the new editor of our literary edition “Behind the Barricade”, Katarina Kostić.

Katarina Kostić was born in 1992 in Kočino Selo. After completing her studies in Serbian language and literature, she moved to Novi Sad and focused on researching and promoting the role of literature in community development. She builds and strengthens her creative and professional capacities through various engagements in international projects related to literature, heritage, identity, reconciliation in the region, women’s history, youth, etc., in roles such as curator, program facilitator, reporter, and/or administrative manager. She considers cultural activism her calling and professionally engages in proofreading and editing literary and other texts. She is the recipient of two international awards for literary criticism. In 2017, she founded the “Novi Sad Book Exchange” and considers it her greatest contribution to the cultural community of Novi Sad. Since November 2024, she has been the editor of the “Behind the Barricade” edition of the Kulturanova Association. She believes that learning and personal development are continuous.