The third episode of the Night Butterflies podcast is reserved for a story about mental health. We talked about this important topic with psychologists Vedrana Mirković and Jovana Ćojder, who remind us of the great social divide between classes and the fact that part of the people live at the level of the upper class with incomes that can enable them to do many things, and thus the space, time and resources to deal with their mental health. While on the other hand we have a people who are at a very unenviable level, many live in deep poverty or on the border, so their priorities are a little different.
Is the mental health of the people a state responsibility? What is the mental stranglehold of those who run this system? Are social workers doing their job? These are just some of the questions that popped up in our conversation. We realize that we often blame workers for the bad state of society, and we don’t realize that they too are just slaves to a system that is not good. Reform is needed, but the question is who has the desire and power to deal with it. Are they young? Do we expect them to carry all the burden of this society? That’s one of the taboos we talk about in our podcast – Individual responsibility for community health!
Listen and watch the episode at the link: