Association Kulturanova is starting work on a new project supported by the Creative Europe program. TestArt – Testing skills for the circulation of innovative co-creation methods in the performing Arts sector.
New project idea for TESTART stems from the necessity to give a follow-up to TrainArt, which represents a successful first step towards an actual international cooperation, focusing on capacity building for and best practices exchange between artists and cultural operators. These activities have led to mutually-contaminated mindsets that allowed an upgrade to the resulting pilot actions implemented locally. Now that the beneficiaries know each other and had the chance to influence one another transnationally, our aim is to create a favourable condition for them to actually work and co-create together. To do so, TESTART plans a tour of residencies for the same Field B beneficiaries and hosted by the same Field A beneficiaries as TrainArt.
Project objectives are:
- To foster the transnational creation of performing-art works and to organise a permanent European network for their circulation;
- To build and test new capacities for European grass-roots and micro-organisations to work internationally in the cultural and creative sectors.
Lead partner is Consorzio Marche Spettacolo (Italy).
Partner organization are: Teater Nu (Sweden), Association Kulturanova (Serbia) , Haceria arteak (Estonia), Zentralwerk (Germany), Bunker (Slovakia), WELCOME A.P.S. (Italy).