New project supported by UNESCO – Gender Equality Generates Cultural Diversity

Association of the Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia (NKSS), with partners from this national network (Collective of Young Women Femix, Rebellious Readers, Millennium, Studio 6, Kulturanova, Elektrika and Center for Empirical Studies of Southeast European Culture), from May 2021 to April 2023 will be implementing the project “Gender Equality Generates Cultural Diversity” with the financial support of the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity. At last year’s competition of 1,027 projects from Europe, this project was chosen as one of the six best and the only one from Serbia.

The goal of this project is to create preconditions for a fairer approach for women as creators of cultural expressions in Serbia through research, capacity building and the creation of an activist national network. The project will identify mechanisms that generate gender inequalities in cultural life in Serbia and, on the other hand, interested institutions, groups and individuals that could contribute to increased participation of women and their fairer representation in the cultural field in our society. Based on the results of the research, an educational program will be created that will be aimed at improving their professional skills, knowledge, self-awareness and visibility, as well as access to information, mobility and opportunities. During the project, a national network of women’s organizations and independent artists, managers, curators and entrepreneurs working in the cultural and creative sector will be created, with the aim of serving as a platform for mutual cooperation and support, resource exchange, mobility and knowledge exchange, and as an active participant in initiating changes in cultural policy, which would promote gender equality in cultural life and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.

The survey is primarily aimed at examining the working conditions of cultural workers and entrepreneurs in the cultural sector, but will also analyze the living conditions of employees engaged in the cultural sector in Serbia, as well as forms of gender discrimination that generate gender inequalities in cultural life in our society.

The questionnaire is filled out online, so the invitation is open to all artists, curators, cultural managers, and entrepreneurs working in the cultural sector in Serbia to take part in the research and thus help in the best possible realization of the project. The survey questionnaire is available at this link.