UNMASC! Project

Association Kulturanova started working on new project called UNMASC!

What is UNMASC!?

The UNMASC! project is a 2-year international artistic research and theatre project in Kosovo, Serbia, and
Austria that aims to promote gender justice by making structural violence visible and creating counter-
narratives to misogynist and patriarchal values, norms, and role expectations. The project has three main

  •  Transnational artistic research
  • Promoting gender justice with socially engaged theatre and
  • Providing capacity building and learning opportunities in the field of socially engaged art

What are the tasks?

The UNMASC! project team will present project outputs and working materials to the Advisory Board and
ask for their assessment on topics such as:

  • Language and accessibility of promotional products
  • Gender justice in our research guidelines and workshop designs
  • Quality of contents for final E-Book publication