Dear friends and those who appreciate our work, as you all know, Kulturanova has been working tirelessly for seventeen years to create engaging quality cultural programs. At the moment, we are focused on literature, specifically good and new literature written by local writers. This is why we have launched a campaign to publish Dragoslav Čupić’s book, Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian. We would like to use this opportunity to kindly ask you to support this campaign and make a donation through www.donacije.rs or by making a payment to our bank account: 330-0000015006268-52, so this book could be published.
Despite applying to several funding competitions, Kulturanova was unable to raise enough money to publish the book. Although the City of Novi Sad recognized the value of the project and financially supported it, the means were not enough. The expenses of page makeup, proofreading, and prepress will be covered by Kulturanova. However, we still need your help for this book to see the light of day.
Additional RSD70,000 are needed for printing expenses.
•If you donate RSD600, you will receive a copy of Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian.
•If you donate RSD1,200, you will receive two books from our edition Beyond the Barricade: Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian by Dragoslav Čupić and The Third Half of the Minotaur by Patrik Kovalski (original title: Treća polovina minotaura).
•If you donate RSD2,000, you will receive both books and your name will be included in the list of contributors who enabled the publishing of this book.
The edition Beyond the Barricade is a literary project aimed at promoting the short story as a literary genre which has been somewhat neglected in recent years. Aiming at supporting literary fiction (in contrast to commercial literature), Kulturanova is launching a literary workshop by publishing prose works written beyond the barricade. The works are far from the mainstream taste that is being imposed on us incessantly, but familiar enough to the literary public to encourage them to experience the short story as a literary genre differently. Beyond the Barricade is a new space dedicated to the expression of literary freedom, and open to those writers who do not make compromises in culture. The editor of the publication is Siniša Tucić.
Beyond the Barricade continues! This year, we will release a new literary piece written by Dragoslav Čupić from Novi Sad, Omphalion or the Songs of a Divine Comedian. For the most part written in the first person, the book includes nineteen stories in prose. Although each story stands on its own, all together as a whole represent a unified outlook on life. The stories written by Dragoslav Čupić include both elements of prose and poetry and express the author’s subjectivity and existential questions regarding his life. The text shows instances of language defamiliarization, with recognizable influences of modern poetry.
How can a new Ivo Andrić become a Nobel prize winner if his books are leftsw in the back of someone’s drawer? They are of no use to anyone there. Books are only worth insomuch as they strike a subtle chord in human minds and hearts, and open up a completely new door which has not been there before, pointing to the obvious and showing us a new perspective and beauty in an original manner.
Dragoslav Čupić (born in Subotica, 1978) currently living in Novi Sad. Writer, painter, photographer. A former member of the Zona literary group, which published the book Lešnici (English: Hazelnuts) in 2001. The book included the group members’ contributions. He has published essays in literary periodicals (Stanje stvari, Koraci, Avangrad), as well as in Kulturni heroj, an electronic magazine for culture, art, and humanities. He has had one solo exhibition of his visual art pieces. A member of Mensa.
alnoj izložbi. Član je Mense.