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Kulturanova initiates intercultural and intersectoral dialogue in society, encouraging the creativity of young people through art education, production of cultural content and improvement of public policies in the field of culture and youth.

Novi Sad is open to creating a new culture. For us, a new culture is a process of building new social relations that encourage dialogue, self-examination and critical thinking.



  • Milan Vračar
    Milan Vračar

    President of Kulturanova and independent cultural producer. He worked on many international projects and was

  • Irena Čučković
    Irena Čučković

    Project manager in Kulturanova and coordinator of the Medianova programme. She graduated in Journalism...

  • Attila Antal
    Attila Antal

    Attila Antal is a theatre and film director, composer and theatrologist. Studied multimedia directing...

  • Vukašin Živaljević
    Vukašin Živaljević

    Cinematographer who shot/directed/edited a great number of short and few middle length films, 

  • Radmila Vračar
    Radmila Vračar

    Financial manager of Kulturanova and economist. She has more than 40 years of work experience ...

  • Jelena Galović
    Jelena Galović

    She graduated acting at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. She started her career at the Sombor National Theater.



Medianova's goal is to discuss relevant social issues and contribute to positive social change through the production of audio-visual content such as films, photographs and podcasts, as well as through publishing.


Since we live in the digital age, audio-visual forms are extremely close to young people and we believe that through them they can express themselves best. Medianova is therefore engaged in the production of short documentaries and feature films, podcasts, music and promotional videos. Medianova also strives to educate young people on how to make the best use of the opportunities offered by digital technologies and the Internet. Therefore, education in both the field of audio-visual arts and media literacy is an important segment of this programme. Medianova also aims to contribute to the sustainability of the Kulturanova, through service activities, which will be offered to other organizations and individuals.


• Production of audio-visual content - films, music videos, promotional videos, podcasts

• Art education of young people - workshops on topics such as: photography, mojo and video editing

• Promotion of young artists - organization of exhibitions, film screenings, poetry evenings

• Media literacy - education of young people in cooperation with journalistic organizations

• Publishing

Intended for: innovative companies.

Artistic innovations in companies are a method by which artists, since they have a different perspective from employees, solve challenges in companies. It is a process in which people, products and / or practices from the art world enter organizations (companies, public institutions, civil society organizations), with the aim of supporting development and focusing on sustainable innovation. It is one of the most direct ways to stimulate innovative thinking, change perspective and experiment. Artists are skilled in engaging human emotions and creativity, as well as trained in creating conceptual objects that can break established routines and open space for new ways of thinking and acting.

Working with artists can help individuals and groups in companies to “see” themselves with new eyes and innovate. In order to be successful and to reach the users, as well as to develop their capacities, organizations have long been investing in creative innovation, competencies, emotional development and cooperation, as well as in the well-being and improving the abilities of their employees. This method has already given excellent results in countries such as France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


Teatarnova is a programme that enables young people to talk about important topics through the theater.


Kulturanova's first play is older than the organization itself, because in 2000 we performed the play in Sarajevo, which was still damaged by war at the time. This also determined the character of future productions, which have always dealt with socially engaged topics. Such was the case with the play Patriotic Hypermarket, which was historic because it re-established cultural co-operation between Serbia and Kosovo after 20 years and 10 years after the conflict.

The Teatarnova programme officially started in cooperation with the organization OPENS2019 and every year, through the workshop process, it created one theater play with young people, in which they created the content of the play. The goal of the programme is that young people, with or without previous theater experience, participate in creating the content of the play, discussions on topics that are important to them, as well as to go through art education.

Within the Teatarnova programme, a methodology has been developed for the use of applied theater techniques in working with young people, and we have also begun work on professional productions of theater plays. We have produced plays and collaborated with some of the biggest artistic names (such as Dino Mustafić, Oliver Frljić, Andraš Urban), and our plays have been performed in theaters in Europe and around the world (such as the Gorky Theater in Berlin and La Mamma Theater in New York).


• Production and performance of theater workshops

• Production and performance of theater performances

• Training for the use of applied theater techniques in working with young people

• Promotion of artists

• Promotion of socially positive values ​​through theater

  • Milan Vračar
    Milan Vračar

    President of Kulturanova and independent cultural producer. He worked on many international projects and was

  • Irena Čučković
    Irena Čučković

    Project manager in Kulturanova and coordinator of the Medianova programme. She graduated in Journalism...

  • Attila Antal
    Attila Antal

    Attila Antal is a theatre and film director, composer and theatrologist. Studied multimedia directing...

  • Vukašin Živaljević
    Vukašin Živaljević

    Cinematographer who shot/directed/edited a great number of short and few middle length films, 

  • Radmila Vračar
    Radmila Vračar

    Financial manager of Kulturanova and economist. She has more than 40 years of work experience ...

  • Jelena Galović
    Jelena Galović

    She graduated acting at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. She started her career at the Sombor National Theater.

  • “When I think of Kulturanova, I think of TAKT festival, where I had a chance to preform and present my music.”

    Milan Kosanovic, winner of TAKT festival 2018.

  • “When I think of Kulturanova, I think of knowledge, new connections, travel and good culture.”

    Ana Vrbaški, “Body as an instrument”

  • “Kulturanova is one happy place on planet witch is called Serbia.”

    SanjaPetkov, kids theater “Lane” Kikinda

  • "Thinking of Kulturanova I remember our exciting project Archaeological Bodies and the never tiring resourcefulness of Milan Vracar."

    Sybrig Dokter, choreographer, Lava-Dansproduktion, Sweden

  • "Kulturanova are hard working people, reliable partners with whom we share similar values and goals for better communities in the Balkans. They make me feel like part of a family that truly values the phrase "brotherhood and unity".

    Kristina T. Petreska co founder of Initiative fo independent cultural activism INKA Struga, North Macedonia

  • "When I think of Kulturanova, I think of a group of very bright people with enormous staying power (resilience), who with little means but many dreams carry out inclusive and social cultural projects of the highest level."

    Giulia Filacanapa, PhD University of Paris 8

  • “I always feel, Pro Progressione and Kulturanova are siblings, even twins....”

    Petranyi Barna, Pro Progressione, Hungary

  • "Innovation and social inclusion: Kulturanova actively promotes creativity in the performing arts business and goes above and beyond to make it not just appealing, but also accessible to everyone."

    Ilaria Ciaroni, Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, Italy

  • "Kulturanova is not only a professional partner for Pro Progressione, we are friends for 7 years now. We are rechoosing each others as partners in European artistic projects as we trust each other a lot."

    Viktoria Salgo, Pro Progressione, Hungary

  • “When I think of Kulturanova, I think of TAKT festival, where I had a chance to preform and present my music.”

    Milan Kosanovic, winner of TAKT festival 2018.

  • “When I think of Kulturanova, I think of knowledge, new connections, travel and good culture.”

    Ana Vrbaški, “Body as an instrument”

  • “Kulturanova is one happy place on planet witch is called Serbia.”

    SanjaPetkov, kids theater “Lane” Kikinda

  • "Thinking of Kulturanova I remember our exciting project Archaeological Bodies and the never tiring resourcefulness of Milan Vracar."

    Sybrig Dokter, choreographer, Lava-Dansproduktion, Sweden

  • "Kulturanova are hard working people, reliable partners with whom we share similar values and goals for better communities in the Balkans. They make me feel like part of a family that truly values the phrase "brotherhood and unity".

    Kristina T. Petreska co founder of Initiative fo independent cultural activism INKA Struga, North Macedonia

  • "When I think of Kulturanova, I think of a group of very bright people with enormous staying power (resilience), who with little means but many dreams carry out inclusive and social cultural projects of the highest level."

    Giulia Filacanapa, PhD University of Paris 8

  • “I always feel, Pro Progressione and Kulturanova are siblings, even twins....”

    Petranyi Barna, Pro Progressione, Hungary

  • "Innovation and social inclusion: Kulturanova actively promotes creativity in the performing arts business and goes above and beyond to make it not just appealing, but also accessible to everyone."

    Ilaria Ciaroni, Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, Italy

  • "Kulturanova is not only a professional partner for Pro Progressione, we are friends for 7 years now. We are rechoosing each others as partners in European artistic projects as we trust each other a lot."

    Viktoria Salgo, Pro Progressione, Hungary